Speaker Information

We are thrilled that you’ll be a part of Better Worlds 2020!

Below, we have collected all important information about your speaking role. Please read with care so you can be well equipped for this journey.

Important Contacts
Adina Thavisin
Content and Community, Slatterys
adina@teamslatts.com.au | +61 3 9663 3093
Key details
Thursday 26 November 2020 @ 9.00am- 5.00pm AEDT
CBA, Shop C4, Darling Walk, Sydney

About Better Worlds 2020

Presented by the team behind the AgileAus Conference, the Better Worlds 2020 is a one-day, single stream forum that will spotlight stories of innovative delivery that are making a tangible impact across government, education, health and for-purpose organisations.

At Better Worlds 2020 like-minded peers who are sparking real change through their work – some of them in the face of limited resources and complex stakeholders – will come together to share stories and learn in a welcoming setting.

Next steps

Contributing Speaker and session details

If you haven’t done so already or have any updates for the Speakers page (https://betterworlds.com.au/2020/speakers/), please send through the below to adina@teamslatts.com.au for publishing in marketing materials and online ASAP:

  • A high res headshot (approx 3.5mb)
  • A brief biography
  • Your talk title and a brief description


Better Worlds 2020 will be a single stream event, with ample time weaved in for audience interaction.
How long am I speaking for?

We suggest you aim for a ~20-30 minute ‘formal presentation’ to be followed by audience Q&A and/or round table discussions. Friendly Slatterys staff members will help you keep time and moderate any Q&A from the audience.

On the day
To ensure you are completely comfortable with your set up and ready to go on the day we ask that you test your slides in the (morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea) breaks before your session.
‘Slack’ (Chat) channel

So that we can keep the lines of communication open in the the lead up to the event, we ask that you join the Better Worlds 2020 slack space via this link: https://join.slack.com/t/betterworldsc-ila5708/shared_invite/zt-iiuv8n4m-Bl2PXO_6Pt1hlPL1651xsA

Who will be in the audience?

Better Worlds 2020 will be attended by members of the wider AgileAus community including those representing government, NFP, for-purpose and the private sector with job titles like:

  • Coaches – Agile, Delivery; Scrum Master; Consultant
  • Architect /Software Developer / Engineer / Technical Lead
  • Project / Iteration / Program Manager
  • Business Analyst
Presentation slides and materials
As a backup, we ask that you send us your slide deck prior to the event (via email to adina@teamslatts.com.au) so that we can assist by broadcasting them for you in the event that technical difficulties occur.

We do not recommend streaming videos.

Stay in the loop

To receive updates about Better Worlds or AgileAus events and be subscribed to the mailing list, send us an email with your first name, last name and email address to info@betterworlds.com.au.