Registration opens
Humanity over bureaucracy by Stephan Dyckerhoff, Buurtzorg Asia and Buurtzorg China
Originally developed in Holland by nurse Jos de Blok in 2006, Buurtzorg is a nursing organisation that operates under an entirely self-managed structure. The Buurtzorg model sees small, autonomous teams of trained nurses provide in-home medical care to patients. This unique community care model places central emphasis on helping patients regain their independence; giving nurses the freedom to holistically address patients’ needs. Buurtzorg uses Lean management and fully self-organised teams to successfully reduce overheads, maximise resources and ensure efficient delivery – as recognised by its status as a Teal organisation.
Stephan Dyckerhoff brought Buurtzorg to Asia in 2014 and, since then, has begun to revolutionise health and social care in select Asian countries. In this presentation, Stephan will provide an introduction to the Buurtzorg concept and its positive impact on healthcare in Holland. Stephan will also share his experience implementing Buurtzorg in Asian countries, detailing how he adapted the model to account for cultural differences while still retaining its core essence.
Enabling cultural evolution by Alison Cameron, Adaptive Cultures and The Leadership Retreat
The purpose of the session is to provide you with practical insights and strategies that you’ll be able to use immediately to sustainably evolve yourself, your organisation and your world.
Join to session to gain:
- A practical framework for identifying the current stage of cultural evolution of your organisation, allowing you to take the steps required to help your organisation achieve its aspirations and progress further on its unique culture journey.
- Valuable insights into how the development of human consciousness is essential to create sustainable transformation (and how this starts with you).
- The key principles you need to apply for a successful and sustainable cultural evolution.
- An awareness of the biggest mistakes organisations make when transforming culture and how you can learn from them.
You’ll leave this session equipped with the frameworks and methods needed to spark a cultural transformation.
Morning Tea
People - Process by Adam Boas, CTO, MyXplor
Software, and ultimately business value for software company customers, is delivered by people. Those people are the most important factor in success for a product or a project. Not ideas, not tools, and certainly not processes. If this is true, perhaps we have been focussing on the wrong things. Perhaps process improvement and development methodologies are not what has made Agile such a success in improving outcomes for delivery teams and companies.
Agile has been a significant change agent and has experienced rapid adoption. It may well be that some of us have lost our way. This talk explores people and what it is about Agile that seems to attract great talent. It explores the Agile principles that allow us to harness that talent and it looks at some of the things that may look Agile, yet inevitably seem to drive off those talented people.
The ABS journey with Agile so far… by Juliet Fallace, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
A case study will be shared on the adoption of Agile within the Australian Marriage Survey. This presentation will cover the Agile journey the ABS has embarked upon and the story behind what hasn’t worked, what has worked and the key to getting buy-in from business teams who are pressured to deliver operational programs. It will be an opportunity to learn what Agile practices and techniques are being applied now within ABS business teams.
Embedding a research model into Transport for NSW by Sherri Fields, Transport for NSW
Transport for NSW was formally established in November 2011 to coordinate the transport system across NSW. It is tasked with integrating planning and service delivery across all modes of transport and ensure the customer is central to decision making. In 2017, a new Research Unit was created to set the strategic research directions for the agency, provide greater transparency to research being undertaken across TfNSW and encourage research participation with the academic sector on Transport’s difficult business problems. TfNSW formally launched its Research Hub in June 2018.
This presentation will outline the new Research Model that the agency has adopted and outline how we are collaborating internally to improve better engagement with Universities. It will focus on how the model is embedding a new change to the way we are working across the silos in our agency and discuss some of the example projects where we are adding value to the business.
Agile Internet of Things innovation by John-Ross Barresi, Guide Dogs Victoria & Chen Zhu, ThoughtWorks
When we think about Agile, it is usually in the context of software development, and yet Agile is relevant across many disciplines. Using a recent client example, they will talk about using Agile to create a Smart Cane for Guide Dogs Victoria, plus challenges they faced along the way.
Guide Dogs Victoria (GDV) is a charity that provides vital support to Australians with impaired vision or blindness, helping them achieve independent mobility. People with low vision face daily challenges, including navigating busy intersections, where they can easily veer outside of the safe crossing zone. This can significantly restrict their ability to travel individually.
ThoughtWorks partnered with GDV to observe and understand the challenges and needs of their clients, before exploring a number of potential prototypes that could be developed to address this issue. Together they designed and built four low fidelity prototypes, helping users ‘line-up’ while preparing to cross the road and providing them with feedback to ensure they stay in the safe crossing zone. After this initial discovery phase, they tested each solution with real users and narrowed the focus to build the most ergonomic and technically feasible solution.
Accelerating SBS On Demand’s Agile transformation by Abigail Thomas, SBS On Demand
As technology evolves and media consumption habits adapt, Agile ways of working have enabled SBS On Demand to keep pace with the rate of change.
Abigail Thomas, General Manager of SBS On Demand will highlight how the organisation is implementing Agile ways of working to evolve its approach and develop new ways to connect with audiences.
Incorporating Human Centred Design within non-profit and advocacy spaces by Clarissa Meffan, CHOICE
At CHOICE, we have successfully nurtured our Human Centred Design practices and methodology to maturity. This talk focuses on the many challenges that face user experience within a non-profit organisation and what CHOICE did to overcome these. From blending roles, expanding HCD beyond digital, and sharing our UX methodology internally, to seeking to balance the end-user’s needs with the systemic focus that advocacy tends to take, CHOICE has made significant improvements to their approach towards Human Centred Design, which has in turn positively impacted Australian Consumers.
Afternoon Tea
The AI Condition by Ellen Broad, Author of "MADE BY HUMANS - The AI Condition"
Humans design the systems and tools that make new forms of AI faster. Humans are the data sources that make AI smarter. Humans will make decisions about how to use AI. The laws and standards, the tools, the ethics. Who benefits. Who gets hurt. This thought-provoking talk will build on research conducted from Ellen’s book Made by Humans which explores our role in automation and the responsibilities we must take on.
Better Worlds 2018 wraps up

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